Monday, 25 September 2017

Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool

                                                Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool

Bringing to you another stellar review of UK’s art-rock band, Radiohead. Their newest album A Moon Shape Pool, following their last full-length album The King of Limbs which garnered mixed review. Their singles Burn The Witch, which featured very fluid percussion, beautiful string arrangements, it wasn’t synthetic and Daydreaming with its somber arpeggios, Thom’s voice sounding heart wrenching, swirling and psychedelic effects such as the reverse vocal effect. Radiohead’s new album was heading towards a subtler, nuance and perhaps even depressing. The following songs follow this suit, however amongst this very vast and nocturnal landscapes that they create, Thom and co. make sure that these songs don’t get boring through it’s interesting chord progressions.

The final string crescendo on this track is extremely beautiful, the albums final moments are intriguing I love the eerie melodies and the Latin rhythms on the song present tense, Thom sings about distance being a weapon, using distance to hurt other people by depriving them of your presence, there are also these fantastic images of him dancing with the world crashing around him, but I’m mostly enamored with the instrumentals with the classy guitar arpeggios or beautiful background vocals the shuffling rhythms its just a really put together tune, instantaneously catchy and captivating and yet like other songs in the track list it’s subtle and so soft.

Click on the video to listen to Present Tense

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